Resourcing Strategy

The Resourcing Strategy describes how Council will resource its Delivery Program commitments, as well as planning to ensure resources will be available in the future.

The Resourcing Strategy includes long-term financial planning, asset management planning and workforce management planning, and enables Council to plan and prioritise the delivery of its services in line with resource availability.

The Resourcing Strategy comprises the following components:

Long Term Financial Planning

Council’s Long-Term Financial Plan identifies the financial challenges and opportunities facing Council over the long-term, and plans ahead to ensure that Council can remain financially sustainable into the future. 

The Long-Term Financial Plan’s forward projections of revenue and expenditure are updated every year to reflect past financial results and the next annual Budget.

Long Term Financial Plan(PDF, 1MB)

Financial Sustainability Review

In 2023, Council commissioned an independent review of its long-term financial position, to support future financial planning and ensure a secure financial future for Council. For more information, please visit our Financial Sustainability Review page.

Asset Management Planning

Each newly-elected Council will adopt an Asset Management Strategy and Policy to support decision-making over that Council term. The Strategy identifies critical assets and supports Council to improve its asset management capability. It also plans for future infrastructure that supports achievement of community goals identified in the Community Strategic Plan.

Asset Management Strategy & Policy

Each newly-elected Council will adopt an Asset Management Strategy and Policy to support decision-making over that Council term. The Strategy identifies critical assets and supports Council to improve its asset management capability. It also plans for future infrastructure that supports achievement of community goals identified in the Community Strategic Plan.

Asset Management Strategy(PDF, 2MB)

Asset Management Plans

Council prepares an Asset Management Plan for each class of assets under its control. These plans consider the assets’ whole lifecycle, including planning, purchase, operation, maintenance, renewal, disposal and replacement. The projected costs are reflected in Council’s Long-Term Financial Plan.

Workforce Management Planning

Council’s Workforce Management Strategy ensures that Council has the right people, skills, experience and expertise to deliver the commitments of the Delivery Program. 

Workforce Management Strategy(PDF, 562KB)