Your pet, your responsibility An important part of being an owner of a companion animal is to ensure your pets are kept safe and don't create a nuisance. Find out more.
Pet Microchipping Having your cat or dog microchipped is part of being a responsible pet owner and can help reunite you with your pets if they go missing. All pet dogs and cats in NSW need to be registered on the NSW Pet Registry.
Pet Registration All pet dogs and cats in NSW need to be registered on the NSW Pet Registry. This must be done after the animal has been microchipped. For more information click here.
Pet Desexing For the health and wellbeing of your pets, Edward Council recommend the desexing of all companion animals. Click here for further information.
Lost and Impounded Pets Reporting lost or missing animals, collecting impounded pets, and adopting an impounded pet.
Complaints & Concerns Reporting barking dogs, your obligations as an owner of a dangerous or menacing dog, and what to do if you're concerned about an animal's welfare.
Wildlife and Nature All native species are protected by law in NSW. Find out how you can report or seek advice about hurt or distressed wildlife.
Swooping Magpies Swooping birds can be a frightening experience. Whilst not all birds swoop to protect their eggs it is common to have challenges with Magpies. Find useful information here.