Plan and Prepare

Planning and being prepared is important for our community in the case of an emergency, follow these links for the most up to date preparedness information.


Make an informed decision on your bush fire survival plan. 

To decide whether to leave early or stay and defend your property, use the Bush Fire Household Assessment Tool

Create a quick plan online at My Fire Plan in only five minutes.

4 Steps to Bushfire Readiness:

  1. Discuss fire response with your household, best done over dinner when everyone's focused. 
  2. Ready your home for bushfire season by simple measures like clearing areas and cutting grass. 
  3. Monitor bushfire alert levels via NSW RFS website or 'Fires Near Me' app to know what actions to take.
  4. Save essential bushfire info contacts, websites, and apps to stay informed during fires. 

It is important to plan for various scenarios and evacuation routes as a fire can be unpredictable. Always follow directions from Emergency Service Organisations. 

Domestic violence

Daisy is an app developed by 1800RESPECT to connect people experiencing violence or abuse to services in their local area. Daisy can be downloaded for free from iTunes or Google Play. Once the app is on your phone, you can use it to search for support services in your local area. Choose the type of service you would like (for example 'Legal services' or 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services') and select your state or territory to find services near you. 

You can visit service websites from within the app, which means these sites won't show up in your browser history. This can help protect your privacy, especially if another person has access to your phone. Each listing includes information about opening times, how to get in touch and the services they offer.


Top tips


·        Follow the NSW SES for the latest information on warnings.

·        Stay up to date on the weather conditions through the Bureau of Meteorology.

·        If you need help with flood or storm damage, call the NSW SES on 132 500.

·        In a life-threatening emergency, call Triple Zero (000).

·        Also watch Council's websites and Facebook posts for road closure updates.

·        Never drive, ride, or walk in flood waters.

·        Please share this information


·        Review and enact your flood plans – don’t wait.

·        Move belongings and animals to higher ground.

·        Help out. Look out for the elderly and the vulnerable.