Planning and Reporting

Under the Local Government Act 1993, all councils in NSW are required to prepare a suite of documents to guide and direct their service delivery. These include a Community Strategic Plan, Resourcing Strategy and Delivery Program, as well as an annual Operational Plan & Budget. This is known as the Integrated Planning & Reporting framework. 

Integration of these strategic, operational and resourcing documents is key to effective long-term planning and assists us in providing our local community with the best level of service possible within available resources.

We encourage our local community and other interested stakeholders to participate in community engagement activities that inform the development of these plans.

Monitoring and reporting on the progress of implementing the plans and reviewing the performance of the plans in achieving their objectives enables transparency and accountability between Council and our community. 

The diagram below provides a snapshot of the suite of documents across the Integrated Planning & Reporting framework, and demonstrates their inter-relationships, as well as the broader regional and State planning context within which Council sits.


