Published on 28 January 2025
Following its decision last year to replace two plane trees in End Street, Deniliquin, Edward River Council commissioned a second independent arborist report to explore all options relating to managing the trees.
Interim Chief Executive Officer Gary Arnold said the second report also recommended removal of the plane trees and replacement with a more suitable species.
“It is never a popular decision to take down mature trees, but in this case it is the right decision and we would be negligent not to act. Public safety is our number one consideration and this decision has been made under the advice of two independent arborists and in accordance with Council’s Street Tree Management Policy.”
Mr Arnold said Council’s Open Space Team will meet with nearby property owners to discuss the process and timing of the replacement, expected to be in March 2025, and seek input on the new trees to be planted.
“There are a range of trees that will be much more suited to this particular site, and will grow over time to be a wonderful addition to the street. We are looking forward to working with the property owners to choose trees that will thrive in this area.
“In the words of the arborist, having ‘the right tree in the right place’ is crucial to ensuring sustainable specimens that can thrive in urban zones while not causing damage to nearby buildings and streets,” concluded Mr Arnold.
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