Council Meeting Schedule and Public Forums

We invite all members of the community to come along to Council Meetings or watch them online via our webcasting service.

Live stream of Edward River Council Meeting

Council meetings are attended by the Mayor, elected Councillors, the CEO, and Council's executive staff.

Where: Council Chambers, Estates Building, Cressy Street, Deniliquin
When: Meetings are usually held on the third Tuesday of every month, from 9am.

Council meeting dates for 2023/24

Schedule-of-Ordinary-Meetings-2023/24(PDF, 121KB)

Members of the community are welcome to attend Council meetings as observers or register for the Public Forum to speak 'for' or 'against' an item of business on the meeting agenda.

Schedule of Extraordinary Meetings 2023-2024

Currently no scheduled meetings. 

Public Forums

Public forums are held at 9:30am prior to each ordinary and extraordinary meeting of the Council for the purpose of hearing oral submissions from members of the community on items of business to be considered at the meeting, unless there are no registered speakers.

A person may apply to speak on no more than two (2) items of business on the agenda of the Council meeting, and only two (2) people can speak ‘for’ or ‘against’ any item of business.  Each speaker will be allowed three (3) minutes to address the Council and this is strictly enforced by the chairperson. Speakers must refrain from engaging in disorderly conduct, making defamatory statements and alleging breaches of the Councils Code of Conduct. Conditions to speak at a public forum are outlined in Councils Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 325KB).(PDF, 325KB)

Register to speak at Public Forum

To speak at a public forum, a person must first make an application to Council by completing this online form:

Public Forum Form

Applications to speak at the public forum must be received by Council:
  • No later than 12:30pm one (1) business day prior to the meeting
  • Must identify the item of business on the agenda of the Council meeting the person wishes to speak on
  • May state whether they wish to speak 'for' or 'against' the item

Register by completing the approved form or by calling the Office of the CEO on 03 5898 3000 

For more information on how Public Forums are facilitated, please see section 4 of the Council's Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 325KB)(PDF, 325KB)