Library Services


We offer a variety of services to all members of our community regardless of holding a Library card.

Our Library has spaces to create, learn, work, relax, and connect with your community.

The Library has bathrooms in its foyer as well as baby changing station. We also offer free Wi-Fi for all.


Baby Bounce

Every Tuesday the Library holds Baby Bounce for the youngest members of our community.  Baby Bounce is designed for babies and their carers to have a space where they can enjoy singing nursery rhymes whilst introducing them to the library.  Each week a member of our team sings along to rhymes and encourages the little ones to join in with clapping, playing instruments, and whatever fun sounds they can sing. 

Baby Bounce is held from 11.00am-11.30am and is free.  

Story Time

Every Wednesday during the school term the Library holds Storytime for members of our community.  Come along for a delightful time of stories, music, and craft.  Storytime helps children develop language, pre-literacy and fine motor skills in a social environment.  

Storytime is held from 11.00am-12.00pm and is free. 

School Holiday Activities 

Over the NSW school holidays the Library holds events for school aged children.  Each session runs for about 1 hour.  Carers are required to be present at the Library during the sessions.  Our school holiday program will be promoted on the What’s On page prior to the holidays commencing.  Bookings are essential. 

Maker's Space

Our Maker’s Space is a place to create, hold workshops, play games, and have fun!  Maker’s Space is available all day, to all members of the community.  If you are looking for a space to create your art, enjoy making your craft with your friends, have a friendly chess competition, this space is for you.  Maker’s Space can be designed to fit your needs.  Whether its for your local arts and craft group, school groups, afternoon fun with the kids, or a workshop, we are here for you.     

We always have craft, colouring, and board games out for the community.  We hold our School Holiday Programs in this space as well as Friday & Saturday Splat. The library has an exhibition space available for local artists and community groups to showcase their professionally presented work or topics of interest to the local community.

You can exhibit your items for up to 4 weeks and get exposure to a variety of community members and visitors.


